Asphalt Contractor offering all services related to concrete, everything from Crack Filling in residential zones, to Crack Filling in a new layout in large provincial property. Right Seal Property Management can enhance the appearance of your business lot and property as well as help to maintain property compliance with all provincial and federal standards.
Some samples outlining what exactly we can carry out for you:
Concrete Crack Filling – Fractures develop from intense load, liquid damage or foundation failure. Right Seal typically use warm pourous crack filler rendering the best water-proof rubber protected binding enabling the pavement to enlarge and also shrink throughout the time of ambient temperature changes. If forgotten, a gap can become wider and also leads into alot more gaps and in the end a far more costly repair service or possible replacement.
Concrete Skin Patch Repair Servicing – This is important when the defective location has not yet permeated the limestone rock foundation. Right Seal will examine and thoroughly clean the vicinity, slap on fresh hot mix asphalt, and also level out the spot to perfect appearance.
Cut & Patch Repairs – Cut and patch repairs are needed any time the defective area has permeated the sub-base. The spot is saw machine cut or milled, existent concrete is taken away, new foundation is applied, fresh heated blend asphalt is introduced and finally the spot is machine tamped and smoothed out.