General Contractor providing all things concrete, everything from Cut and Patch Repairs in your commercial zones, to Cut & Patch Repairs in new developments in large municipal properties. Right Seal Property Management and Construction can enhance the appearance of your business lot and give advice to maintain property compliance with federal and provincial standards.
Here are a few Crack Filling of what precisely we can carry out for you:
Pavement Crack Filling – Gaps are the result of too much weight, moisture damages or simply structure failure. Right Seal will utilize heated pourous crack filler creating the best water-proof rubber protected binding letting the road to enlarge and shrink throughout the time of ambient temperature fluctuations. If not taken care of, a fracture will end up larger and leads to more and more gaps and inevitably a far more over-priced fix or restoration.
Concrete Skin Patch Repairs – This is a must when the compromised location hasn’t permeated the limestone rock base. Right Seal Inc. will investigate and clear the vicinity, apply fresh heated compound asphalt, and level out the surface to its finest appearance.
Cut & Patch Repairs – Cut and patch repairs are appropriate if your affected location has permeated the sub-base. The area is saw machine cut or milled, existent concrete is taken out, new base is applied, fresh heated compound asphalt is applied and the area is machine tamped and smoothed.